All MapleKids Centres accept subsidy. For your convenience, we have put together a package which provides all of the necessary forms and information in a simple, easy to understand format. It is available in the Resources section. Please note that though we update the package as often as possible, we cannot guarantee that all of the forms and information are completely up to date. Please check back with the government or authorities if you are concerned that the forms may not be up to date. Below is an except from the BC Government Child Care Subsidy website.
The Province of British Columbia is committed to helping families obtain affordable, accessible, safe, quality child care. Child Care Subsidy is a monthly payment to assist eligible British Columbia families with the cost of child care. Monthly subsidy payments vary depending on your family's circumstances. Your eligibility will be determined when your application and all supporting documents are received by the Child Care Subsidy Service Centre. You may be eligible to receive full or partial subsidy based on your family's circumstances.
We are commited to helping families receive high quality child care and will work with you and the Government to process your subsidy application and payments which can cover large portion of your monthly tuition fees. To read more about subsidy and the Child Care Subsidy application process, go to the BC Government Child Care Subsidy website at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/caring-for-young-children/running-daycare-preschool/child-care-subsidy
To Download the Subsidy Application Package, please click here.